Self Discovery
through Singing.

If you have ever heard yourself say “yes” when you actually wanted to say “no”…
Self Discovery through Singing offers an exploration into the ways in which our fears of being seen and heard hold us back from speaking our truth and being in integrity with who we truly are.
When we sing, we use all of who we are as an instrument to support expression through our voice. When we are not able to complete our natural response to experiences that overwhelm our nervous system, the experience is stored within the body and we become disconnected from our voices. To find and reclaim our voices, it is necessary to reconnect to all of who we are… body, mind, heart, spirit, will and intent… and bring those responses to completion. Singing is a gentle and gradual avenue for this type of work.
We begin with movement that grounds us and breath that gives us life.
As breath turns to sound and sound turns to song, we learn to connect more fully with our bodies as instruments. We explore what is being held in the body and over time, as our responses are expressed and released, not only does the voice begin to open, our life energy is able to flow more freely.
We begin to heal, grow and anchor into the strength of who we truly are. Over time, we allow others to see and hear us in the fullness of who we are. Our relationship with ourselves and others begins to improve, and our lives begin to transform.
Although we draw on the same processes for both guidance in opening our voices and healing our hearts, the most profound steps to unlocking the mystery of our true selves and our true voices do not come from the outside in.
It is the inner journey of self discovery that, over time, allows us to shine our light and claim our voices from the inside out.

Individual Sessions
Individual sessions begin with a time to arrive, connect, and warm up the voice. Utilizing a variety of tools, we then move into time of self discovery.
You are welcome here… even if you would like to sing and have been encouraged by others not to.
Session Length: 75 minutes
Investment: $125
Payable by e-transfer, debit or credit card ($4 processing fee)
Confirmation of your appointment time will be sent upon receipt of payment
There is a 24-hour cancellation policy
Group Sessions
Group sessions begin with a time to arrive in our bodies, a brief check-in where each participant is invited to share where they are in their story at this moment. We warm up our voices and depending on what is needed, we begin to build a safe container for self discovery by singing together and/or individually. In addition to utilizing a variety of available tools to support the process, we draw on the strength of a supportive community…
to sing, to learn, to grown and to discover.
1.5-hour segments over 8 to 12 weeks
Due at the time of registration. Payable by e-transfer, debit or credit card ($4 processing fee)
Confirmation of your appointment time will be sent upon receipt of payment
Refunds will be negotiated in some circumstances.
Because Soul Story is committed to providing lower income people with equal opportunities, one appointment space will be made available for those experiencing financial challenge. The cost for the session will be determined in relation to need.